Download Material

Download materials

Vimeo movie: RIT by Numbers (final version 2023)

PowerPoint presentation of the project RIT 2021_(Swedish)

PowerPoint presentation of the project RIT 2021_(English)

Youtube movie: Thoughts about the RIT-project

Vimeo movie: Welcome to Space Campus Long Version

Vimeo movie: Welcome to Space Campus Short Version

A Swedish Perspective on Innovation and Growth for Space (a papaer about RIT and RIT2021 until 201910)


Reports/Studies in Swedish

Innovations- och Inkubatorverksamhet för Rymdbranschen i KirunaBrister i innovationssystemet  
“Innovation and incubation for the space industry in Kiruna” (2015), Pär Johansson, LTU Business

Synergier genom samverkan  mellan Esrange Space Center  och Rymdcampus Kiruna 
“Synergies through collaboration between the Esrange Space Centre and Space Campus” (2015), Johanna Bergström Roos, LTU Business

En kartläggning av svensk rymdforskning, rymdutbildning och rymdindustri samt hur samverkan dem emellan går till 
An inventory of Swedish space research, space education and space industry and how they cooperate amongst themselves” (2015), Johanna Bergström Roos, LTU Business

Kiruna – ett europeiskt rymdcentrum
“Kiruna – Closer to Space, a study on market development” (2015), Patrik Kjellman, Kairo Future

Lärande utvärdering av projekt RIT – Slutrapport
“Final Report”, Oxford Research (the external project evaluators)

Slutrapport RIT
“Final Report for RIT”, Johanna Bergström Roos, Project Manager RIT, LTU Buisnes

If you want printed material or a powerpoint-file (*.ppt) contact the project manager Johanna Bergström-Roos at