Welcome to Skellefteå the 5th of december


Aerospace and Big Science Morning in Skellefteå

Welcome to an interesting breakfast focusing on business opportunities in space and airborne industry, as well as the 13 Big European Science facilities, which Sweden through its membership supports financially.

Space, aerospace and large research facilities offer a large business potential  for Swedish companies, and today it is under used. We want to change that by informing about how these industries work and how to do business with them. This breakfast, we get to know each other a bit better, get acquainted with each other’s expertize and how we can work together with these high-interest industries that need a variety of skills. We hope that you want to join. The breakfast meeting is organized by RIT (Space for Innovation and Growth), the cluster Aerospace Cluster Sweden (ACS) and Big Science Sweden.


  • 07:30 Breakfast is served
  • 07:45 Welcome
  • 07:50 Short presentation of Big Science Sweden, the project RIT and the cluster Aerospace Cluster Sweden by Johanna Bergström Roos, who works at LTU Business and is a project manager for RIT and business developer at Big Science Sweden, as well as Olle Persson, working at Luleå university of technology, leading the northern node of ACS.
  • 08:00 Business opportunities with the thirteen European Research facilities in major sciences, Johanna Bergström Roos, RIT and Big Science Sweden
  • 08.20 Business opportunities in the space and airline industry, Olle Persson, RIT and ACS
  • 08:40 Time for questions – Mirko Menningar, Purchasing Manager at ESS in Lund, participtes via Skype
  • 09.00 Round up

Meeting place: Skellefteå Science Center

Deadline for registration: Monday 3 December