Student experiment reached the edge of space

The instrument didn’t break, was recovered and now is time to analyze the data. It was a successful rocket ride for the REXUS experiment Salacia. – We will now analyze the data and hope to lay a foundation for future trips to Mars, says Daniel Nilsson, Space Engineering student at Luleå University of Technology.  The […]

RIT News Letter 2

Dear Space Friends, Time passes and in February we will already be half way through the RIT project. This is of course according to the plan but to see it in writing gives me the reason the stop for a while and reflect about what we have achieved so far. The signals I get from […]

Workshop focusing on Space Kiruna

A sales organization to attract new investments to the municipality and a creative meeting place for industry in Kiruna – these were two of the suggestions that came up during the space innovation workshop that was organized by the Municipality of Kiruna, the RIT project and the Scaiem conference in Kiruna. – We got a better understanding of the space actors and […]

Why are the Space Engineers so happy ?

The question was asked by Javier Martin-Torres, Chair Professor in Atmospheric Science at Luleå University of Technology, when he had just shown a video to the audience, taken four years ago at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. The space engineers at the film laughed as they cried and hugged each other. – […]

Prestigious research investment to the Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineer

Three research subjects at the Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, get a part of a vigorous research investment initiated by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. This applies to Atmospheric Science, Onboard Space Systems and Dependable Communication and Computing. – This is a very important investment, says Jonas Ekman, head of the […]

Space Week in Luleå: Learn about the Mars Expedition and Habit

Professor Javier Martín Torres and project manager Johanna Bergström-Roos will tell us more about the Space Week at Luleå University of Technology, which is also attended by astronaut Christer Fuglesang Luleå University of Technology is Sweden’s Space University, with campus in Space Engineering and the space research school in Kiruna and Sweden’s only Master of […]

Becoming the meeting place for Space Industry and Academia

The Space Innovation Forum is quickly becoming the meeting place for the aerospace industry and academia in northern Sweden. During two days the members discussed aerospace innovation both upstream and downstream, entrepreneurship and idea generation in the industry and a future agenda for the aerospace industry in northern Sweden. – The Space Innovation Forum aims to develop […]

Arduino in cooperation with Space Campus in Kiruna

On November 15th LTU will start a collaboration with Arduino technology, scheduled in the frame of the memorandum of understanding recently signed by Arduino and Luleå University of Technology. The first step will be a course  conducted by David Cuartielles, co-founder of Arduino and Chief Executive Officer of Arduino Verkstad, and it is focused on the […]

Prestigious final for space experiment

A team from Luleå University of Technology is invited to present a pre-selected experiment to be carried out within the ESA’s Fly Your Thesis! Program, an annual Parabolic Flight Campaign which offers the opportunity to perform experiments by PhD and Master Students in microgravity. – Having the chance to defend our proposal in front of an […]

Evaluation of RIT project Shows Promise

The RIT-project has just received the first report concerning “ongoing evaluation” made by Oxford Research, writes project leader Johanna Bergström-Roos. In general RIT is seen as a unique project in terms of being designed as a Triple Helix cooperation (academy, industry, society) within the space business. It is also obvious that the strong expansion of […]