
Below we have presented some relevant links to procurement sites and/or contact persons within the regional and national space sector.


Regional space industries/organisations

SSC – Swedish Space Corporation
Daniel Rosenfors, head of procurement, [email protected]

IRF – The institute of space physics
Stefan Hedlund, procurement manager, [email protected]

EISCAT Scientific Association – Procurement site
Henrik Andersson, head of administration, [email protected]

LTU – Luleå University of TechnologyProcurement site
Contact through [email protected]

RFA – Rocket Factory Augsburg
Matthias Reinke, head of procurement, [email protected]


National space industries/organisations

GKN Aerospace
Anders Wikman, Procurement Manager, [email protected]

Jesper Vagnelind, Manager Procurement, [email protected]

OHB Sweden
Carl-Michael Gyllenspira, Facility Manager

Torild Lorentzon, space coordinator, [email protected]


International space industry/organisation
(for the time being we only present ESA)

ESA – European Space AgencyOpen invites for tenders