
Tips and inspiration for more Space in the classroom

The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (UR) has released a series of video presentations for teachers to use in their space education. The series was recorded at Space Campus (where IRF, EISCAT and LTU are located) and the space high school in Kiruna in May, 2021. The full series is available for streaming in Swedish on […]


Space incubator to continue for six more years

RIT partner Arctic Business, which runs the national space incubator ESA BIC Sweden, will continue to do so for at least 6 years – offering support to another 36 space startups. Arctic Business also announced that ESA BIC Sweden is growing by the addition of a fourth node: Ideon innovation in Lund, Skåne. – We […]


Recent achievements for RIT2021

The project team sums up milestones and achievements from the past six months. RIT2021 appointed Best Practice by Tillväxtverket (The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth) We are glad to announce that RIT2021 has been appointed Best Practice amongst Tillväxtverket’s projects within the regional development fund. Three Swedish projects were appointed to describe what […]


RIT2021 appointed Best Practice!

We are proud to announce that RIT2021 has been appointed Best Practice amongst Tillväxtsverket’s projects within the regional development fund. Three projects were appointed to describe what the EU funds can lead to in various fields, in different part of Sweden. Here you can see the result.


Study predicts space growth in northern Sweden

A recent study estimates that the space cluster in and around the city of Kiruna in northern Sweden could double in size to reach a total of 50-70 actors and 1,000 employed in 10-15 years. The conclusion is based on an analysis of the cluster’s recent development, its location and conditions, as well as on […]


Young space entrepreneurs in northern Sweden win recognition

Skysense/Sky Alert, Porkchop and Acrctic Space Technologies were all on the list of Sweden’s “103 best young ideas” when Almi and Företagarna released it on May 24th. In “103 young ideas”, Företagarna and Almi have jointly nominated 103 business ideas and drawn attention to young people who inspire. In Norrbotten there are eight companies on […]


Kiruna-based innovators win prestigious award

Morgan Drysdale, SkyAlert, and Matija Milenovic, Porkchop, have been named two of “Sweden’s ten new super-entrepreneurs of 2021” by ÅForsk and Swedish Incubators & Science Parks. They receive 200,000 SEK each to continue developing their business ideas. – I could not believe that it was true when I received the news, this is a fantastic […]


Record interest in Space Innovation Forum

A record 172 stakeholders registered for this week’s Space Innovation Forum, a two-day event dedicated to presentations and discussions on how to make Norrbotten an even more attractive space region. Space Innovation Forum is growing. The last edition held in October of 2020 attracted more interest than ever before, and this week the record was […]


Moses Browne Mwakyanjala receives doctorate degree

Since 2016, Ph.D. student Moses Browne Mwakyanjala of Luleå University of Technology has researched the feasibility, design and potential benefits of replacing traditional hardware for satellite communications with software-based systems. On February 15, Moses’ defended his thesis and received his doctorate degree. Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is a technology where components that have traditionally been implemented […]


Arctic Space Technologies – this year’s startup in Piteå

Sandra Nilsson, former space student at Luleå University of technologies and co-founder of Arctic Space Technologies. Warm congratulations to Arctic Space Technologies who have been named this year’s start-up in Piteå. This company is established by space students from Luleå University of Technology and was one of the first start-ups in the Swedish space incubator […]